The project manager now understands the value of these work products, and he or she can quickly negotiate with the process engineer as to which ones are required for a particular project. 项目经理现在要理解这些工作产品的价值,他/她可以迅速与过程工程师讨论需要使用哪些产品。
Now that the project has been founded, Richard, the process engineer, must conduct the proof of concept. 由于已经建立起整个工程,Richard&过程工程师,必须管理论证。
The static method process engineer repeats the creation of extension pages for each extension point identified in the static method. 静态方法流程工程师为使用静态方法标识的每个扩展点重复创建扩展页面。
This option transfers the decision-making process about which level to plan from the process engineer to the project manager. 该选项将有关对哪个层次进行计划的决策制定过程从过程工程师传递给了项目经理。
With the RUP Organizer, the process engineer describes the modified Scrum workflows, which helps project team members better understand the Scrum process. 过程工程师可以使用RUP组织工具描述修改后的Scrum工作流。这样做有助于项目团队成员更好的理解Scrum过程。
The process engineer can make modifications to the existing RUP framework to include, in our case, Scrum concepts. 过程工程师可以对现有RUP框架进行修改以引入Scrum概念。
The process engineer can see who needs to review various work products at certain points during the project& as quality assurance measures for the right work products at the right times. 过程工程师可以监督在任意的项目过程中,谁需要评审哪些工作产品&在正确的时间为正确的工作产品作质量保证测试。
In many organizations, the most experienced project manager takes on the role of process engineer by default. 在很多企业中,最有经验的项目经理会负责过程工程师的工作。
After an extension point has been identified, the process engineer creates an extension page for this extension point. 标识了扩展点后,流程工程师将为此扩展点创建扩展页面。
Typically the initial content in this page is populated by another process engineer skilled in the art of this particular extension point. 此页面中的原始内容通常由对此特定的扩展点有丰富经验的另一个流程工程师填充的。
Consider the following: An administrator or process engineer can republish the static method on a regular basis ( for example, monthly, weekly, daily). 请考虑以下事项:管理员或流程工程师可以定期重新发布静态方法(例如,每月、每周和每天)。
The process engineer identifies extension points in a static method. 流程工程师在静态方法中标识扩展点。
To share process changes within the organization, the process engineer releases the process via RUP Builder. 为了共享组织内的过程变化,过程工程师通过RUP构建工具发布进程。
In my current engagement, I act as the process engineer for a medium-size organization, which includes working with project managers to define their Development Cases. 我扮演了一家中型企业过程工程师的角色,包括与项目经理一道定义开发案例。
Are you going to find out how to tailor RUP by yourself, or are you going to hire an external RUP consultant or process engineer? 您打算自己找出如何剪裁RUP的方法吗,或者您打算从外面雇佣一个RUP顾问或过程工程师吗?
Richard, the process engineer, has been assigned to conduct the process tailoring activities. Richard&过程工程师,负责管理过程裁减活动。
The person who fills the process engineer role should be knowledgeable and willing regarding the use of modern, agile project management practices. 符合过程工程师要求的人必须是知识渊博的,具有现代灵活项目管理的经验。
Andy our Sales guys is not a professional process engineer, hence we did not design around BPMN. 销售员Andy并不是专业的流程工程师,因此我们并没有围绕BPMN进行设计。
Furthermore, people could work as engineers even if they did not start the application process of professional engineer, though they could not claim them as professional engineers. 况且,不进入工程师资格程序也可以找工程师的工作,只不过不能以工程师的名义签字罢了。
The ideal candidate would be a mineral or chemical process engineer, or mechanical engineer, with strong technical skills and able to sell at all levels, from maintenance and operations, up to senior management. 理想候选人应是有很强的技术能力和销售能力与各个层面,从维护,操作到高级管理。
The cost estimating is an important basic work in the decision-making process of the engineer equipment developing. 费用估算作为工程装备发展过程中科学决策的重要前提,日益受到各国军方的高度重视。
In addition to operator station, in the central control room is also installed the process control system engineer station, safety instrumentation system engineer station and facility management station. 中央控制室除安装有操作员站外,还设有过程控制系统工程师站、安全仪表系统工程师站、设备管理站。
Since that time I have been working at a virtual company named Youthsoft as a process engineer involved with designing, inspection, and system upgrading on a series of software development. 并从那时起,我即在一个叫做“青软软件”的虚拟公司担任工艺工程师,在一系列的软件研发项目中从事设计、检查和系统升级工作。
The factory owns senior design and process assembly engineer name, and according to project and OEM professional channels of large-scale production. 工厂拥有资深设计和工艺装配工程师多名,并针对工程项目及OEM专业渠道进行规模化生产。
I am a process engineer, work in Wuxi foreign company, I want to practice my oral english, and I can help you improve chinese, so do not hesitate to contact me. 我是无锡外企的一名员工,工作中常要用到英语,可是我的口语和听力比较差,如果你是不太懂中文的老外,欢迎联系我练练语言哦。
Based on the process, protocol engineer to develop the communication protocols, the paper modify and delete some activities of protocol engineering in order to be accustomed to the project. 基于通信协议开发的一般过程&协议工程,同时针对于本项目的特点,本文首先分析了协议工程的缺陷,对协议工程的各项活动提出了适当的修改和裁减建议。
This paper is aimed at researching software radio satellite ground station systems design: based upon the CX-1 LEO micro-satellite ground station system design application background, using software radio concept to design the system scheme and process engineer implementation. 本论文旨在研究软件无线电卫星地面站系统的设计:以CX-1低轨小卫星地面站系统设计为应用背景,应用软件无线电概念进行系统方案设计并已工程实现;
This paper elaborates the evolvement process of engineer's ethics responsibility from the angle of the history and logic. 本文从历史和逻辑的角度阐述了工程师伦理责任的历史演变过程。
As a process engineer of project office and a major character in workshop, the author carried out a careful study and practiced personally. 笔者作为工程指挥部主要工艺成员和运行车间主要负责人,对此进行了认真研究和亲身实践。
Through in-depth analysis of proportioning aluminum process with aluminum engineer, the proportioning aluminum rules and the knowledge base and inference mechanisms are established. Knowledge reasoning system about proportioning aluminum is realized with using VC++ as front-end development platform and oracle database as the database backend. 通过深入分析配铝工程师的配铝过程,形成配铝规则,建立了配铝知识库和推理机制,并采用VC++作为前端开发平台,Oracle作为后台数据库实现了配铝知识推理系统。